AWB, Sunny, Cloudy
AWB, Tungsten, Fluorescent
Indoors: Sunny, Cloudy
Outside: Tungsten, Fluorescent
Outside: Tungsten, Fluorescent
For this assignment we had to take picture on various camera modes. The modes had to match the corresponding areas; sunny + cloudy mode for outside, and tungsten + fluorescent mode for inside. The first image in both pictures is on auto white balance mode, for comparative purposes. I chose a cup because D'alice kept denying my soymilk and random items that weren't very white, but it's a cute cup with teddy bears on it so it's okay.
I have noticed that the sunny mode somewhat tones the image down and changes the overall hue, probably because the sunlight would make it far too bright. The cloudy mode most likely brightens up the image, for a reason opposite what was stated above. Cloudy mode adds a fall-like colour and it's kind of warm-ish, and it is my favourite out of the three images. Though I like the third, the most natural white colour of the cup comes from the sunny mode.
The tungsten mode, a mode for candlelight/lamplight, tones the lighter colours of the image down. It makes the white seem more realistic, compared to the yellow-ish tone of the AWB mode. The last image of the three is in the fluorescent mode; this mode is very unappealing for me because of the over-saturation of the blue. It totally kills the real look of the scene and it makes me feel like the mode is trying too hard to look cool. My opinion might have been skewed by the fact that I was indoors and I used natural light, but in this scene I feel like it is hideous and out of place.
Creative White Balance:
The last image is for the Creative White Balance assignment. In the first two images, I used the sunny and cloudy mode indoors, and for the last two, I used tungsten and fluorescent outside. For the first two, the added hue is much more noticeable; these colours stand out far too much, but they add a warm/ highly tinted colour to the white and destroys the natural colours. The next two images are much more natural looking, at least compared to the first two. The tungsten mode actually looks like the true white, and the fluorescent mode looks like a cloudy/dark day.
You can clearly see the different choices of white balance. Which preset settings do you prefer for each of the scenes?
ReplyDeleteI'm almost wondering if the third photo inside is actually the tungsten setting. Tungsten has a tendency to tint the photo with blue hues.
Well done. Have you been practising with the white balance?