
Saturday, 13 July 2013

Assignment #9: Contrast, Texture, Repetition, and Angle of View

We were made to use four more compositional tools in this assignment: contrast, texture, repetition, and angle of view.

Contrast is when something is different from the rest. There are many ways you can use contrast: shapes, colours, textures, etc. For this picture, it's a contrast of colour. The huge difference in colour(nearly opposite of each other in the colour wheel) allows the flower to pop right out of the photo.

This photo has a contrasting texture. It makes the photo seem more interesting because of the different types of visuals. It's smooth along the side of the pot, rough in the soil, and grainy in the background. It also makes it feel more realistic(I feel as if the pot seems more softer, and the leaves seem more crisp).

Repetition is easy to follow; it has a set pattern which makes it fun to look through. The fencing in this picture continue on and on, allowing you to look along it. The photo is too dark and lightening it up without losing the darker colours is hard, so this photo is kind of hard to see.

Angle of View
I had to sit in a weird position to take this photo.. Angle of view is when you take a photo in a non eye-level view. This picture was taken from down below, and it makes the picture tell a different story. At eye level view it's basically just an object, but from below it feels as if you're reaching out to it, and it feels taller.


  1. I really like the first photo. I really like the flower and how it stands out compared to all the green behind it. The fourth photo is taken at a nice angle, only it's a little dark. The third photo is nice too, only I think I'd like it more if the side of the 'bridge' you were focusing on was lighter. I do like the second photo and how the smooth leaves of the plant contrasts both the pot and the dirt and wood chips it's buried in.

  2. I'll focus my comment on two. Your texture photo and your angle of view. You are clearly displaying a difference in textures within the photo. And I can see that you were attempting to keep the stem of the plant on the top third line. Unfortunately the stem is such a small portion of the photograph, that it isn't noticed as much. You can't change nature with the size of the plant; however, by changing your angle of view and possibly by zooming in more it would make for a stronger photograph. As for your angle of view....awesome! So many things working for it, colour contrast, interesting angle. Even with the top of the buoy being cut off (should try to keep it all in frame) I was drawn to the photo and kept looking at it. I'm loving the bold colours and the great lighting.

    Nicely done.

  3. I just love how you take your pictures. It is thoughtfully taken and angle and the depth of your photos are great. Your style is good especially the texture photo, you have green sprouting to the fine soil, I love how earthy it looks. And the contrast of the peach rose to the dark green leaves, its so elegant.
